SRINAGAR: Indian cricket icon Sachin Tendulkar has shared a video featuring Amir Hussain Lone, a differently-abled cricketer from Jammu and Kashmir. Tendulkar expressed his desire to meet Lone and obtain a jersey bearing the cricketer’s name.
And Amir has made the impossible possible. I am so touched watching this! Shows how much love and dedication he has for the game.
— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) January 12, 2024
Hope I get to meet him one day and get a jersey with his name. Well done for inspiring millions who are passionate about playing the sport.
Amir Hussain Lone, a resident of Waghama village in Kashmir, faced adversity at the age of eight when he lost his arms while working at his father’s mill. Undeterred by the setback, Lone’s passion for cricket endured, and a teacher recognized his talent, guiding him into the realm of professional sports.
Since 2013, Amir has been actively participating in para cricket, leading the Jammu and Kashmir para side.
Expressing his admiration for Lone’s efforts, former Indian cricketer Ashish Nehra extended an invitation to him for the 2016 T20 World Cup semifinal between India and West Indies at Wankhade Stadium in Mumbai.
Sachin Tendulkar, echoing the sentiment, lauded Lone’s remarkable achievements and expressed his appreciation on social media, stating, “And Amir has made the impossible possible. I am so touched watching this! Shows how much love and dedication he has for the game. Hope I get to meet him one day and get a jersey with his name. Well done for inspiring millions who are passionate about playing the sport.”