Kulgam, August 16: A decade passed, school building constructed under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) scheme in Kujar area of Kulgam district are lying abandoned as the district administration has failed to come up with a plan for their utilisation despite spending crores of rupees on the project.
Residents told that building was constructed without adequate planning and that the contractors involved may have been more interested in financial gain than in ensuring the project’s success. The lack of essential infrastructure, such as fencing, has further contributed to the building’s deterioration.
“Due to the inattention of govt it has led to repeated damage by unknown persons, severely compromising the integrity of the structure, adding the building, which was not enclosed within any fencing, has been particularly vulnerable to vandalism”, they said.
“We have brought this issue in notice of concerned authorities several times but to no avail,” locals said.
Locals requested higher ups to look into the matter at an earliest and take necessary steps in this regard.