Proposes to conduct on reduction of School Weight and Homework burden of students: Survey

Srinagar, Apr 28 : The School Education Department Friday proposed for conducting of survey on implementation of National School Bag Policy 2020 and reduction of School Weight and Homework burden of students.
According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) in a communique to Director of Jammu and Kashmir State Council of Education Research and Trainings (JKSCERT) has requested to conduct of survey on the implementation of Rule 8A of JK School Education Act, 2002, Rules & National School Bag Policy 2020 vis-a-vis reduction of School Weight & Homework burden.
“As the School Bag weight and Homework burden beyond the recommendations of Rule 8A of JK School Education Act, 2002 Rules and National School Bag Policy 2020 is depriving the children of their happy childhood and impede their different developmental domains to a greater extent,” reads the official communique.
The director said that in this regard, a survey needs to be conducted as desired by School Education Department, as to whether the guidelines in Rule 8A of JK School Education Act, Rules 2002 and National School Bag Policy 2020 are being followed in the schools or not.
DSEK has requested that a survey may be conducted in six Schools including two government and and four private institutions in each district and 12 Schools in Srinagar district that includes four government and and eight Private schools.
“The survey shall be involving DIETs of the Kashmir division in collaboration with Chief Education Officers so that the findings are shared with Administrative Department,” DSEK said-(KNO)